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virtual museum



park abstraction 1

park abstraction
digital photo/movement

mb sky drum trance
digital photo collage

more or les on queen west

more or les on queen west
digitally altered photograph

politicians reveal thewir true nature

heated debate


although my main practice is fine art, prefering conte & charcoal drawing
for its raw material/spirituality, of course i cant help encountering &
experimenting with technology, & enjoy its ephemeral, dreamlike qualities.

my most successful experiments have been with my scanner,
where i have been performing simple actions while it scans,
creating a wide variety of effects based on how the scanner perceives movement.
these action scans have their own portfolio.

like many people, i own a digital camera,
which is a hybrid technology merging photography & digital effects,
especially when used in conjunction with
the home art studio suite of software.
i offer a few of my favourites alterations & photo collages here.

i am also working on a digital/photo/series of abstractions generated by
moving the digital camera while it slowly processes information.
imagine if you could remain in place in relative space & watch the world spin past.
in several ways, these are similar in intent to my action scans.

recently i have been learning webdesign, as is evidenced by this, my eccentric site.

digital images make Beautiful Prints.
contact me for more information

  digital art  
  main contents
virtual museum